This one has to be in English. Not because some people wouldn't understand it, like my parents or my family, but because a lot of the good friends I made here have no clue how to read in portuguese.
So, this one has to be in English. To remind them that this trip wouldn't be the same without them, to remind them that I wouldn't be the same without them. It can be the ones I met three months ago or the ones I met last week; it doesn't matter, because each and every one of them touched me in some way.
All the smiles, all the great times, all the laughter, all the conversations, simply everything. There are no words to describe how grateful I am for having all these people in my life right now. I hope I don't lose them along the way, I hope we keep in touch after I'm gone.. And, most of all, I hope our friendship stays as strong as it is right now.
Rhea, Rose, Chandra, Tamara, Erica, Amy, Laila.. You are great and I hope you guys don't forget me, okay? Thank you for everything you've done for me and for being so nice and so friendly..
I'll sure miss you!!
Love you all!